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Family, Friends and Colleagues Talk About Jack

  Jack Casey 1983

"Jack is at all times a witty and convivial companion. A special bonus of spending time with Jack is that he is not only smart but, more importantly, wise. Every time I am with Jack, I come away with a new joke and a new idea."

Congressman Bill Brodhead

"For several years, circa 1940 the Spicer Div. of Dana Corp. was shut down except for a few employees in the large and relatively new factory building in Toledo. The company had been large in the automotive industry.

About that time Bill Sartor, a classmate of Jack and myself (we were 12 or 13 years old) had a small newspaper stand in the Spicer Building. He wanted out and offered the newsstand, a failing business, to Jack at a bargain price. Through good fortune (and the onset of WW2) Spicer multiplied by phenomenal numbers and so did Jack Casey's Toledo Morning Times sales. Was it Irish luck or was it skill? You be the judge."

John and Marcia Harpen

"Jack has had a significant influence on our lives. It was Jack who selected Connie to be a member of the Michigan Bell Advisory Board. When he recruited her to the post of executive director of the Michigan Coalition for Safety Belt Use he introduced her to a world of industry, public relations and government.

Along the way Tom joined in on the golf course, in Jack and Mary Lou's homes and lives. We came to treasure their friendship, to enjoy Jack's rediscovery of his Irish roots, his love of golf, his many stories, his many friends.

Tom remembers the golf outings in Palm Springs and Northern Michigan, matching Jack stroke for stroke. Jack is a loyal, generous friend who has left a lasting impression on our lives and the lives of so many."

Connie Soma and Tom Hinsberg

"I have so many wonderful memories of my life’s journey while working with John P. (Jack) Casey. Our working relationship began several years ago in a small tri-level building located in Detroit where the partnership of MG & Casey was developed.

It was there that I witnessed the dynamic evolution of a multi-talented man grow to tremendous success. Jack always epitomized excellence in his profession which eventually led him to venture out on his own and create one of the world’s top PR firms, Casey Communications, Inc.

His success and growth was so rapid that the company quickly occupied three floors of a large high-rise building located in Southfield, Michigan. I pay homage to Jack Casey -- a multi-talented chameleon – as a champion in Public Relations, as a Political Analyst, and as a television and radio commentator, along side such notables as J.P. McCarthy.

I could go on and on recognizing Jack for his many accomplishments but thought I should sum it all up by saying, “Well done, my friend, WELL DONE!"

Charisse J. Neal

"We met Jack in 1957 when Jack and Tom were Detroit Free Press reporters. One of the most memorable times with Jack was six years ago (his birthday and our 60th anniversary) when Jack and Mary Lou joined us in Chicago for several days of food, fun and frolic. By chance, the hotel was observing its first birthday anniversary with a gigantic party with strolling bands, ethnic foods and the finest wines, drinks, fruits and cheeses. Jack and Mary Lou checked in when the party was in full swing. We tried to convince them the party was for us and the birthday boy but I think they knew otherwise.

Love to a true and loyal friend who makes us feel as if we share family status with each other. We think he may be Irish."

Jane and Tom Davis

"After two trips around the world with you, and Mary Lou, (and still talking and laughing) plus other fun excursions together, we became neighbors in Rancho Mirage, California.  

It's over 18 years now, and the good times have continued!!

You're a great friend, Jack."

Lu and Carole Vaughan

"The 20 year friendship with Jack has many memories, most reflect his special love of family and the easy embrace of the Campbell’s when we moved in across the street on Echo Road. This was extended when he and Mary Lou moved to California and it was open house in the Desert.

It was frustrating that he supports Liberal political positions, but we managed this part by avoiding any discussions on the subject. We found we could still could remain friends despite our differences. He was and is an experienced and very smart political pundit. I have to give him that! His business success is impressive as well…Much to admire for sure.

Memorable golf at Mission Hills and Plumb Hollow, memorable restaurants/meals together at Wally’s Turtle and The Lark, and seeing the extraordinary photos of his trips around the world. The photo collection of friends and family are amazing. What a collection!!

I was Irish bent when we met and I still am. The Irish are a wonderful people and I have admired and enjoyed their company for 70 years. No wonder I like Jack! Looking forward to spending a lot of time together as we traverse the planet."

Rod Campbell

"Steve and I are pleased to say a very special Happy Birthday to Jack. While we are relatively new friends, since the 80’s in Michigan, we have a deep love and appreciation for Jack, his sense of humor and his wit. We have done the Frank Sinatra Tournament Extravaganza several times, visited the Big Horn and had many dining, wining and great party experiences all over the US and in France with Jack and Mary Lou.

Jack is a most unique guy and we wish him many more years of happy and healthy life."

Ellen and Steve Gaucher

"We were brought together by our mutual antipathy to a character from Britain named Lord Something-or-other. At least he made you and Mary Lou rich and able to catch the last Concord around the world. We love being with you in the desert every winter, swapping tales of family, public relations, golf, the U of M and especially politics. Go Blue! Go Dems! And we're pleased to have whispered the idea of using your pounds to buy a place in the desert lo those many years ago."

Tom & Joie Harris

"I have great memories about many special times with Dad. They involve his generosity and ability to have fun and share it with his family. The ones that come to mind are going to the State Fair and enjoying the bands and rides, a fun trip to Hilton Head island and Toronto and going to Acapulco. Two trips that stand out as amazing were the trips to Ireland and The Briars, including all of the kids and grandkids.

Dad’s great business sense, intelligence and drive have given me a high standard to admire and strive towards.

Dad’s support and encouragement, especially during this past year during my separation and tough times with the kids, mean so much to me. His love and belief in me give me great strength and courage.

I love you, Dad!"


"When I think of my Dad, I think of wisdom and warmth.

My Dad is brilliant, tough, compassionate and wise. He taught me to judge people based on their character, not outside appearances. He taught me to be a hero and stand up for people who need help. If I can be as tough, brave, smart and caring as my Dad, I would consider that quite an accomplishment"

I love you Dad!"


My Favorite Moments/Dad Top 10 List:

10. Coney Party
9. State Fair – annually! (even Jumpin’ Joe Girlach!)
8. Amelia Island
7. Acapulco
6. Defending me to my math teacher in parent/teacher conference at OE Dunckel.
5. Defending me in court vs. tar-hauling vehicle with no brake lights – which I nailed and finished “the Toy” forever.   
4. Letting me play hockey (even with the 6am Sunday morning practices)
3. Steaks from the grill
2. Pokey


"One of my special memories from growing up was going to the Michigan State Fair each summer with my dad (and usually John, Gretch, and / or Mike). And since my dad had them as a client, we had a bunch of extra perks too. We were able to go behind the scenes a bit as well as having the “ride free pass.” It was a sort of flip out badge thing that gave you unlimited access to the rides - so we thought we were like rock stars. And speaking of rock stars, one year they had Styx performing there at the fair. I could be wrong but it seemed like one of the biggest names that ever played there (I believe Cheap Trick performed there also). One year we were sitting back in some behind the scenes room (probably a press room) and someone took pictures of me sitting with my dad - I still cherish those pictures today. 


"In summer  of 1987 Jack was pursuing the possibility of either selling the business or purchasing a competitor. The business had grown and he was pondering his business and personal future. As August approached he was seriously considering purchasing one particular competitor whose name I will not divulge. As part of the normal due diligence process, someone needed to meet with the competitors’ controller and review the books and records of the company. I was elected and agreed to go into the company offices, but I was only allowed to do it during non-working hours so the secrecy of the proposed transaction remained intact. The agreed date was Labor Day 1987 and I was to meet the controller at their offices in downtown Detroit that morning and spend the entire day, if necessary, doing my due diligence.

The due diligence was done and after a thorough analysis of plusses and minuses, Jack decided not to purchase the competitor.  The punch line of this story is not that I took my day off to spend it working, but on Labor Day eve I asked my wife (at that time significant other) to marry me. I then had to explain to her that I would be leaving the following morning to work all day. We still celebrate our engagement and will never forget the connection to Jack and Casey Communications.

The second story is a bit of a continuation of the first. As I said, Jack had been trying to decide what direction to take the company. After the aborted purchase he looked into a sale of the business and I believe the following summer he found the ultimate suitor. Once again I was involved, but on the other side of the transaction. I was feeding information to the purchaser while they were doing their due diligence. I’m not sure exactly when the sale finally took place in terms of the specific date, but I believe it was in the fall. The closing was scheduled for a Monday and the closing was to be done remotely, by fax, a fairly new innovation at that time and overnight mail.

The purchasers were somewhere on the east coast and the sellers representatives (attorney, CPA, etc) were to meet at Casey Communications office in Southfield on a Monday. There was just one problem for me. I was scheduled to go on my annual rafting trip with my friends which I did every summer. This year will be our 26th year. I had my first difficult career decision to make. Well actually not that difficult, just potentially disappointing. Did I tell Jack I would be out of town for the closing and send someone else or did I pass on the trip? I realized that missing the closing was clearly not an option. It would have been very unprofessional, but more importantly I could never do that to Jack or any other client for that matter, so I came up with a way to have my cake and eat it too.

I convinced the guys to raft our last river on Sunday and immediately jumped into the car and drove all night to return home early Monday morning. I returned home at 6:00 a.m., showered, put on a suit and drove to  the world headquarters of Casey Communications to meet Jack and Jeff Levine (the attorney).

The closing took the better part of the entire day and into the evening, but the rest is history. I’m not sure how I functioned for two days with the only sleep being the few hours I got in the car on the way back from rafting. It was also a memorable transaction as I met and worked with Jeff Levine for the first time. Jeff became and still is a good friend as well as business associate.

Anyway there are probably more stories, but those two stick out more than any others. 

You have been more than a client over the years and I treasure our friendship as well as our business relationship. Keep up the good work."

Your friend,

Stuart M. Sakwa

From "Artistry in Rhythm" by Stan Kenton to "Artistry in Life" by Jack Casey. When I first met Jack I was whistling the former and he recognized the song. Not long after that chance meeting I began observing the latter.

People from California to Michigan, around the world and in his beloved Ireland, people have had the pleasure of his friendship. He has the rare ability to be sincerely interested in each of his friends, making us feel for that moment that our concerns are his only concern. This a rare commodity in one so accomplished. He is of course thoroughly Irish which probably explains everything!

It has been a rare pleasure to be with you on and off the golf course Jack. Although our time together is less frequent than before, that time is always a time deeply treasured."

Bayrd Berger

"Jack was a mentor to me from the very early stages of my PR career. When heconvinced me to become the editor of the PRSA Detroit Chapter Bulletin when I was in my late 20s then he used that volunteer position and his influence as a chapter officer to get me into the officer rotation for the PRSA Detroit Chapter. Because of Jack, I was eventually elected as the Chapter's fourth female president and, at age 32, its youngest president ever.

Jack's influence made all the difference in the world to me, my career and my confidence, something that carries over to my life today and in so very many ways. Thank you so much, Jack, for playing such an influential role and being the best mentor anyone could ever have!"

Karen (Stewart) Spica

"Jack Casey made the smartest deal of all us entrepreneurs and founders of the PR industry. He got Shandwick to agree to let him exit his agency with a payout of a multiple on his profits at his timing, not theirs – and exited at the pinnacle of his career right after Seat Belts Now gave him his most profitable year ever. Brillant, Jack. What a deal."

Sue Bohle
The Bohle Company

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